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Breakfast Leadership Corporate Blog

Winning Posts Week of August 13 2017

Available September 12th.  Pre-Order Today!  Click Here to Order.

In-between all of the pre-launch work on my new book, I still make time to look for growth-based articles on the Interwebbles.  Below are some posts that caught my attention this week:


7 Ways to Develop Daily Discipline

To be successful in your life, you need to have structure.  Going through life without at least some plan or organization is a recipe for struggles.


8 Morning Secrets of Highly Successful People 

This is a great companion post to my Create Your Successful Morning ebook ($19.99, or FREE if you sign up to my mailing list). Starting your morning the right way, will give you a better chance of being a champion of your day, and your life.


5 Ways to Read More Books

I love reading.  I read over 50 books in 2016, and each book has added value to my life.  This article helps you find those hours to invest in yourself.


Do you want a better start to your day? I have a free e-book on six easy steps to a better day, that I personally follow after I experienced a significant health scare. If you would like this free e-book, please click the link below.

Six Steps to a great Morning (Besides coffee)



Michael Levitt