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Breakfast Leadership Corporate Blog

4 Ways to Get the Best from Your Employees

Photo by fauxels from Pexels

Photo by fauxels from Pexels

When it comes to running a business successfully, employees are the most crucial assets of the company. They play a huge role in determining the success or demise of a business. If a business owner can get the best out of their employees, then the possibilities for success are very high. If the opposite is true, then the business may end up crumbling. Are you an employer looking for the best ways to manage your team and bring out the best in them? Then take a look at the following tips.

Foster healthy communication

Honest and open communication is at the heart of every productive and happy workforce. Ensure that you take enough time to explain your company’s objectives to your team and its strategies to achieve them. Also, make sure that your team does not only understand your vision but also believes in it. When this is done, focus on putting the right mechanisms in place to foster good communication between your workers and yourself. Start by eliminating all barriers that make healthy communication impossible.

Positive feedback helps strengthen employee engagement. Although most employers wait until the end of a business year to seek performance reviews, the practice should be encouraged throughout the year. Positive feedback can also serve as a form of guidance for the company. When feedback is appropriately analysed, you should be able to tell if your business is headed in the right direction or not. There should also be enough room for negative feedback. However, it should be expressed helpfully and not in the form of vague negative comments. Also, ensure that you give constructive feedback to your team when needed. 

It is imperative that during the hiring process, that you have deeply discussed your needs for open and honest communication without your staff. Working with a reputable recruitment consultancy like DSC Personnel is an essential part of your later communications with your staff. If you have healthy communication from the outset, you will benefit from that flourishing in the next few years.

Train and develop your team

You need to pay close attention to every aspect of your team’s development if you plan on getting the best from them. This includes their health, insurance coverage, and other benefits. Companies like Employer Advantage provide employee benefits management for health, insurance, retirement plans, and many more. When it comes to training, do not focus on classroom-style or formal training alone. Take time to explore and introduce forms of semi-formal training programs to your staff. The whole purpose of training is to help build upon your staff’s capacity and introduce them to new trends and techniques.


Hard as you might try, you cannot do everything by yourself. It is essential to learn how to empower your team after building their capacity by entrusting them with significant responsibilities. Then take a step back and allow them to do the job you have assigned them. Doing this will empower your workers and free you from minor responsibilities to focus on more pressing issues concerning the business. Delegating duties to your team is a way of letting them know that you trust and have faith in them, which is an excellent way of bringing out the best in them. However, before you delegate a responsibility, ensure that your employee is well equipped to take on the challenge.

Breakfast Leadership