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Breakfast Leadership Corporate Blog

Considering A Career Change? Why Not Try This

Photo by Lê Minh from Pexels

Photo by Lê Minh from Pexels

If you are bored of sitting in an office, day after day, completing a nine-to-five job, you aren’t alone. All over the world, people are tired of their cookie-cutter lifestyles, and are seeking a way out of their mundane routines. Okay, this is where the disclaimer comes in: quitting your day job and getting some excitement doesn’t mean turning to a life of crime and destitution. Let’s just get that out of the way. There are ways you can live your life which provide a change of scene, the opportunity to see the world, all while bringing home a competitive salary.

Have you ever considered becoming a driver? It ticks all the boxes. You can see your country like never before; your office is your own truck cab; you get to go out on the open road, just you and the horizon, every day. There are downsides, of course - you might miss the banter and camaraderie of office life, and the hours are long. But if you want a change of scene, this is it, right here. 

There are, however, some things to consider before diving into this job. Here are some considerations to make if you want to become a professional driver.

The Company You Work For

You might assume that all driving jobs are relatively similar, but you would be wrong. Some truck companies value their drivers much more highly than others; these are the companies you should be seeking out. Companies such as Barr-Nunn Transportation are offering innovative pay packages for drivers, so that they can achieve a better quality of life, outside of work. If that sounds up your street, read further to find out the 6 Advantages of OTR Truck Driving for Barr-Nunn Transportation.

Your Location

One of the most amazing things about working as a driver is being able to see the world. Depending on where you live, you could be opened up to a wealth of new travel opportunities outside your state, city or country. Particularly if you live in Europe, as a driver you will experience the landscapes of many different countries, taste the foods of new cultures and meet people from these countries too. If you are bored of staying in one place and want a life on the road, this is the job for you.

Other Commitments

The main downside of driving professionally is, of course, the irregularity of the job. While your nine-to-five is probably boring you, the beauty of it is the ability to see your family every evening and wake up at a reasonable time each morning. This luxury might be sorely missed once you begin working through nights, early mornings and long hours. If you want a life on the road, make sure your other commitments such as family are well prepared for the change!

It is not too late to change the course of your life. If you find your job is wearing you thin, make a change today and shake up your routine.

Breakfast Leadership