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Breakfast Leadership Corporate Blog

Why Digital Marketing Is Your Best Friend

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Image by launchpresso from Pixabay

If you own a business, then it’s highly likely that you’re going through a tough time right now. It might be that business is thriving and you can’t keep up or it might be that you’ve had to close down or have lost customers due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Regardless of what situation you’re in, if you’re not spending time and money on digital marketing then you should be. Digital marketing has never been so important and as people are online more than ever before as they are spending more time at home, then you need your business to be there too. If your business is new then while there might be a lot of other things to focus on, it’s worth looking for digital marketing tips for start-up businesses to get you going. If you don’t have a digital marketing strategy then here are some reasons why you need to get one asap. 

Your Business Needs To Be Visible

When you have a good digital marketing strategy it means that all the hard work you have put into your website won't go to waste. It means that people will always be able to find you, whether it’s because you are on their social media feed or at the top of a google search when they need something related to your business. Either way, you’re in people’s minds which is where you need to be, so that even if people don’t need to use your business at that moment, they’ll be the first they come to when they do. 

Your Customers Are On Social Media

As mentioned, more people than ever are getting online and not just because it’s 2021 but because right now there is a global pandemic that is stopping people from meeting up with each other in person. Right now the world is relying on social media to speak to and to see their friends and family. So if you’re looking for customers, the best place to find them is on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, or Snapchat. These platforms give you fantastic opportunities to reach and connect with your target audience and are great places to advertise your business too. These social media sites allow you to target particular locations, likes, interests, and social groups, which means that you only send your adverts to those who are relevant. Another thing about using social media for your digital marketing is that it is so cheap and you can spend as little or as much as you want to. 

It’s the future

People don’t trust a company who is stuck in the past. For example, if you’re giving out dated-leaflets or your website looks like it was made twenty years ago, then what does that say about your business? It tells people that you’re not up to date, you’re not modern, and that you don’t put much effort into your business. If this is the case, then will you put much effort into your customers? Keep up with your customers and the competition and go digital in every way you can. 

Breakfast Leadership