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Breakfast Leadership Corporate Blog

6 Business Basics You Just Can't Afford Not To Get Right

If you dream of the high life, then starting your own business is definitely the route to go down. However, when it comes to running a successful business, there are certain things that you just simply cannot get wrong. These business basics are essential to making your company tick, so be sure not to overlook anything on this extensive list of items to get right at the first attempt.

1. Bookkeeping

Maintaining a healthy cash flow and keeping track of your invoices is key to business success. Get this wrong and you could be facing questions from the taxman or bankruptcy altogether. There are two routes you can go down here. Firstly, if you have quite a good financial mindset and you are good at dealing with numbers, then you could keep track of your books yourself. For those of you wishing to do this, we recommend using small business accounting software like QuickBooks or Xero. 

Alternatively, you could outsource your bookkeeping to a proper financial expert who is qualified in doing this sort of this. Accountancy firms can charge a pretty penny but it pays to make sure your books are in order, and the peace of mind of not having to worry about them is also worthwhile to many business owners. Consider this carefully!

2. Hiring & Firing

Your staff are the lifeblood of your business. So, be wary when hiring and firing new employees. It’s absolutely crucial that you maintain a positive and upbeat working environment, as one dodgy firing or a miscalculated promotion could cause mutiny in your camp. Make sure you have a thorough recruitment process in place that takes into account a candidate’s personality and the likelihood of fitting into your small team rather than always just employing the most qualified person for the job.

Equally, consider the impact of letting an employee go on the rest of the team. If they are well-liked among their peers would it not be more worthwhile persevering with them and trying to get them up to the adequate level rather than letting them go? 

3. Environmental Impact

If your firm is undertaking any built environment work, then it’s important to consider that project’s impact on the planet. Why not use an environmental consultancy like Aegis Environmental to get a better understanding of issues like asbestos, mold, and air quality? 

What about water? People understand that water quality, including both surface water and groundwater, is a growing concern for most Americans. If you’re based in Houston, learn more about stormwater quality and safety at swppp houston.

Failing to consider the environment really is a business faux pas in 2021 as we need to be protecting our planet moving forward. Business owners who are seen to be showing disregard for this aren’t going to attract the best PR, so it’s worth considering this point closely if you are set on business success for your company.

4. Collaboration Tools

Improve collaboration in your organization by investing in proper business applications and substantial I.T. systems that will enable your employees to thrive. There is nothing worse than having to be part of a remote team that struggle to get in contact with one another. Software such as Slack and Microsoft Teams have all been used to great effect during the pandemic and have proven that staff can work remotely away from one another when required. 

The lynchpin of all of this is a robust I.T. system that can be relied upon. Therefore, don’t overlook the importance of getting your technology right when it comes to running a business, as not doing so could cause your productivity levels to drop massively.

5. Staff Wellbeing

A real business basic this one but preserving your team’s wellbeing is fundamental to running a successful business. Get this wrong and you could face an exile of team members walking out on your company. With a rise in awareness of mental health issues in the last five years, it’s more important than ever in 2021 to make sure you are protecting your team from burnout.

A healthy work-life balance should be available to each and every employee at your company, where stress is managed carefully and people’s mental health is well-respected. It’s important to boost morale now and again too with staff socials and frequent perks of the job. So, whether that’s free drinks on a Friday or an early finish once a month, it’s important not to overlook this sort of thing and to get your approach to staff wellbeing right.

6. Planning For The Future

The old adage that if you fail to prepare you should prepare to fail has probably never been more true than in the last year. Businesses who were prepared and set themselves up to remain robust in a world of uncertainty were the ones that coped best throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Getting this basic step right will ensure that your business is set up for the future.

You should ensure that your company always remains innovative and does its best to lead the way within its industry. If you fall off the pace and just copy what other companies are doing, then you will never truly be at the forefront of your sector. This might seem like a basic tip but you’d be surprised by how many business owners get complacent and then suddenly lose their grip on the market and their business suffers as a result. Always plan for the future and that way you will ensure that you and your company never fall behind the rest of the chasing pack.

Hopefully, these six points have really hit home with you as a business owner. While they are business basics, it is important to revisit them now and again and reiterate their importance to your staff. Everything on this list is something that you just simply cannot afford not to get right first time. We are talking about business-critical dealings, so to overlook them could place your organization and the livelihood of you and your team in grave danger. Conversely, get everything on this run-down right, and you will be able to enjoy and lengthy and prosperous career running your own business.