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Breakfast Leadership Corporate Blog

6 Tips for Delivering Excellent Customer Service

Any business that wants to thrive, they’ll need to think about customer service. Businesses are competing now more than ever and customer experience is a big part of whether or not a business will make it or break it. Even if you have a fantastic product if your customer service is bad or unreliable then you’ll not only lose customers but will be prevented from getting more due to bad reviews online. This is the biggest reason why you have to invest in customer service. This is the key to having a business exceed in the long term. Continue reading on for tips to deliver great customer service to your clients.

Keep a positive attitude

The attitude that you and your team have is everything and will go a very long way when providing outstanding customer service. It’s very important to have the right attitude. When dealing with customers in person, it’s best to show facial expressions and body language that can be interpreted as positive. While online communication can at times be misinterpreted as cold, try to convey this positive attitude through emojis or be humorous. Service with a smile is key, even if it can be difficult to do.

Quick response

When it comes to customer service, prioritizing tasks and valuing time is a very important component. Resolving customer queries as quickly as possible is a huge pillar in customer service. While some queries may take a while to resolve, informing your customer about this and the speed that you plan to get things done will help with giving them a better understanding.

Help customers who are helping themselves

 There are plenty of customers who will try to resolve issues by themselves. Most will try to fix the problem before reaching out to a representative for assistance. Self-service is an excellent way that is also cost-effective with getting queries done quickly. This can be something such as a FAQ or even a bot that the customer can chat with for answers before needing to escalate to speaking with a human.

Show appreciation

Customers appreciate a personalized email or letter. If you know their birthdays, send them a birthday email with a coupon attached, the same can go for holidays. Showing appreciation to customers with thank you cards is another excellent way to show appreciation. If it weren’t for your customers, you wouldn’t have a business so it’s very important to recognize that.

Provide value

Always try to bring value to the table for your customers. Whether this is helping them out with a query or even bring something new to the table for your business. Regardless of what it is, always think about your customers and how they may perceive something.

Never stop improving

Always accept feedback from your customers. This customer feedback is vital to your business’s success. Listen to what your customers have to say and figure out a way to implement this into your business. Developing a better way to improve their experience will improve your business and will lead to more customers in the long run. Never settle, but always keep moving forward. 

Breakfast Leadership