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Breakfast Leadership Corporate Blog

5 Professionals to Work with as a Business Owner

 When it comes to being a small business owner, it’s far from uncommon to have to wear many hats if you’re wanting to run your business successfully. While it can be incredibly cost-effective to be all departments in one, sometimes it can prove to be very inefficient. Hiring professionals makes sense, this is someone who knows and understands a specific task, meaning you won’t need to waste your time tending to certain issues outside your core business.

Sure, this at times can be costly, but in the long run, it’s going to save you on stress, time, and possibly even money. In addition, there are just times where specific projects will require expertise and skills that you lack. Any entrepreneur should know that they can’t master all trades, rather, just master one. These are four professionals that are worth making your business duties far easier.


An emergency, lawsuit, or other legality-related issues can unexpectedly come up at any time. Lawyers are there to help businesses out, and they are essential to professionals. A lawyer's input is invaluable and they help keep your business on the right track. Having a lawyer is going to help you navigate your business, the structure, and they regularly keep up with the changes in laws and regulations. They can also assist in drafting you with employee, customer, client, and even vendor contracts to assist you. Laws and regulations can get very confusing which is why you need a reliable business lawyer or law firm to help you.

Insurance Agencies

All businesses need some type of coverage, there is no denying that whatsoever. Since each industry has its own regulations and its own special policies, it’s best to go to an insurance agent and have a discussion about this. Since there are different types of coverage for businesses, your insurance agent will be able to assist you in finding the right coverage that your business will need. Emergencies and unexpected events can happen at any time which is why you’ll need to thoroughly look into a reliable insurance agent.

IT Specialist

Let’s face it, hackers are always targeting small business owners. Small business owners tend to be very vulnerable and lack knowledge of security. They know this, which is why small businesses are the best target. Having an IT specialist is going to help you protect your business, and give you cybersecurity tips and services, plus they will help if your website is down.

Certified Public Accountants

CPAs are vital and are needed for your small business.  Your business needs to have a dedicated financial advisor for tax purposes.  This accountant is going to be the one to assist you in your taxes, and they can even help with personal financial planning such as your retirement. Self-directed IRAs are something to look into and you should learn more about them.  

Running a successful business requires meticulous financial management, and employing skilled accountants is crucial for sustainable growth. When considering business auditing in Colchester, Scrutton Bland stands out as a trusted partner, providing expert financial services that ensure your business remains in top-notch financial health. Having help from professionals in this area keeps your business compliant, and improves operational efficiency as well as ensuring financial accuracy.

In general, an accountant is going to help you out with your business such as complying with laws and regulations, business valuation, and auditing. However, these accountants can also help you out with your personal financial planning such as your retirement or general savings for the business. Financial management can be a tad difficult and CPAs go through rigorous training and licensing that general accountants do not have


If you’re looking to find some new talent, then a recruiter is the best way to go. Recruitment is very time-consuming so what better way than to hire a professional with the right skills and software that can find your ideal talent. Recruiters are able to handle the whole process of finding someone, screening them, interviewing them, and even being the final decision maker if you’d like.