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Breakfast Leadership Corporate Blog

7 Ways to Motivate Employees When They're Feeling Defeated

A lot can affect hardworking employees leaving them less productive or motivated. As an employer, you should notice these trends and work hard to restore employee's enthusiasm and joy, although sometimes this might not be as easy as you think.

Employees have bad days, just like everyone else. It's how they handle the terrible days that determine their success in the workplace. However, there is a lot you can do to get them back on track and motivated to work for you. Here are a few tips

Concentrate On Strengths

Assign jobs tailored to their skillset, expertise level and talents. For instance, don't give the secretary accounting tasks because they don't have the necessary skills. Instead, outsource to an experienced company. If you want to understand your employee's skill levels, ask them specific questions primarily when recruiting. 

If you need accountants with sage accounting experience, your employees might not even know what a sage accountant is; therefore, outsource but to an experienced company. One that understands- What is a sage accountant? 

Make Them Feel Valued

Workers want to feel included in the decision-making process. They also want their input valued and respected, not ignored or flat out dismissed. Be open with your team about what's going on behind closed doors. Let them know that they are a valuable part of the business.

Offer Encouragement

Employees want a support system and rewards for their hard work. Give them the recognition they deserve and encourage them every step of the way. Letting your team know that you're there for them is a huge motivation, so make sure to take time for each one individually or as a team. 

Take time to celebrate their wins even when they are personal such as a birthday, a new baby or a wedding. Let them see you as a leader and not a boss.

Keep them Busy

Employees need to feel like they are constantly on the go to stay productive and motivated. If their work doesn't involve anything challenging or new, offer tasks that boost their morale and confidence. Once they conquer the challenge, they'll be confident to take up more challenges in the future. 

Give them Enough Breaks

Your employees need to take time off from work to relax and recharge. Whether it is taking an hour or 20 minutes away, make sure they know that you support their idea. Create relaxing spots in the office and make sure they understand the importance of taking breaks. 

Also, give them enough time, a few days off, to get away from everything to relax or spend time with loved ones.

Build Friendships

Communication is critical in a work environment. Make time to talk with your employees about their personal lives, workloads, career aspirations, and struggles. The more open communication channels there are between you and your team, the more you'll understand their personalities and help them grow, enjoy their work and live a balanced life. 

Offer Flexible Working Schedules

Design flexible work schedules that allow workers to handle tasks even without coming to the office. It will allow them space and time to complete assignments promptly without feeling overworked or overwhelmed.

When employees embrace the workplace as their second home, they will be more motivated to deliver the best. Being flexible as an organization will help reduce your employees becoming a part of the Great Resignation!