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Breakfast Leadership Corporate Blog

Easy and Effective Ways To Engage With Your Customers

Easy and Effective Ways To Engage With Your Customers

In today's highly technological world, interacting with your customers is easier than ever. This has a few benefits, especially when done right: better customer engagement generally translates into more conversions. But this ease of communication also comes with a few downsides. Most people expect companies to put in the effort to communicate with their customers, and to do so in a way that's engaging but not too overbearing. This might sound easy, but there's a surprisingly fine line between what's "too much" and what's "too little." If you're having a difficult time achieving the perfect middle ground, learn these easy and effective ways to engage with your customers.

Visuals Instead of Words

Are your company's social media pages nothing more than a never-ending block of text? Text has value, but it can become overwhelming when used almost exclusively. Humans are highly visual creatures, and we can have a hard time processing written information without some kind of interesting visual to break it up. There are many reasons why visual marketing is effective, and customer engagement is one of them—visuals make your content easier and more interesting to digest, which means customers are more likely to stick around and interact with it for longer.

Answer Their Questions

Supplying your customers with relevant information will make your brand seem more knowledgeable and reliable. It lets your customers know that they can come to you with any questions and receive answers. If customers trust your brand, they’ll feel much more confident about purchasing your products. If your company's website doesn’t feature any kind of blog or FAQ, consider creating one. You can also provide your customers with industry and product-relevant information via social media. You’ll have the most success with videos and infographics on these platforms.

Let Your Personality Shine

The final easy and effective way to engage with your customers is to let your personality shine—your brand’s personality, that is. The days of faceless, impersonal corporations are long gone. Having a company that seems "human" is essential for interacting with customers in a fun and personal way. This means the content you publish online needs to be about more than just your products. It needs to be about you, your employees, and your customers—people. In between your more stiff and professional content, post content that's exciting and personable: behind-the-scenes content of your team, employee and customer shout-outs, motivational advice, and (when appropriate) the occasional joke or meme. The more "human" your company seems, the easier it is for customers to form an emotional connection with it.