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Breakfast Leadership Corporate Blog

Entrepreneurs Don't Follow A Procedure: They Find New Paths

If you want to become a first-class entrepreneur, you need to give up on the idea that there is some procedure that you can follow to achieve success. Don’t misunderstand: there are certainly best-practices that you should follow (such as not abusing your employees). However, the best entrepreneurs always chart their own course through life. They don’t follow a template. In fact, the very act of following someone else’s rules is a way to get stuck in a mediocre life. 

So what can you do to think more like an entrepreneur? 

Believe In Abundance

Many people are in a mindset that says that money is finite and that they will only ever make so much – say. $1 million over the course of their working lives. However, this approach to money is both false and counterproductive. Given that the world is full of resources, the amount of income that you can generate is truly enormous. Just look at what some entrepreneurs achieve in the course of their careers. 

The trick here is to adopt an “abundance” mentality. Changing your mindset in this way helps you to make bigger decisions and not always fall prey to the idea that you should conserve your resources. Sometimes, it’s better to spend. 

Do Something Different

When Chuck Zsebik first got into the CBD industry, he knew that he wanted to do something different. The sector was growing quickly and many brands were popping up, but he wondered whether there was a different way to approach it as an entrepreneur. 

As such, he founded a testing laboratory. If companies wanted to certify their products, they had to go through him. The enterprise was wildly successful and set Chuck on the entrepreneurial path. However, it would never have happened if he hadn’t decided to chart a different course. 

That’s part of being a successful entrepreneur. Doing something different from everyone else and believing in what you are trying to achieve. There’s no point in traveling the well-trodden road. 

Be More Growth-Orientated

Don’t place limits on the amount that you can grow as a person. Your capacity to improve, as a human being, is not known in advance and, potentially, unlimited. 

Many entrepreneurs, though, inhabit fixed mindsets. They believe that the way they are right now is how they will be in years to come. They think, sometimes unconsciously, that there are limits to their success. 

Of course, that’s not always true. In fact, just stepping onto the entrepreneurial path reveals to many people just how much they can grow in a short period. 

Sense Feedback From People Around You

Just because you are on a different path, doesn’t mean that it is the right one. Many entrepreneurs get stuck following trajectories that the market simply doesn’t want.

The trick here is to sense feedback from the people around you. The more you can acquire accurate information about your enterprise, the more likely you are to make coarse adjustments that support the health of your business. Don’t always look for validation. It might feel good in the short term, but it won’t help you in the long run.