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Breakfast Leadership Corporate Blog

How Leaders Can Benefit From Lifelong Learning Opportunities

You worked hard to earn your Master of Business Administration and build valued leadership skills. However, learning never ends when you’re a manager. You’ll continue gaining knowledge and experience to help you and your team succeed. 

The bosses who excel the most are open to change and direction. As such, career business managers benefit from lifelong learning and staying abreast of industry trends. Here is how educational opportunities improve executives’ leadership capabilities.

1. Understanding New Trends

Fortune looked at the number of top company leaders with MBAs, discovering they earn about 40% more within the Fortune 1,000 list. If you join a reputable program, you’ll learn from mentors in CEO positions and get plenty of hands-on experience. 

An MBA helps you understand and apply new technology and trends to the real world. Many MBA students are already managers, attending school in the evenings and adding to their education. Staying enrolled in one or two courses a semester teaches you how new tech — such as artificial intelligence (AI) — applies to your industry. 

2. Overcoming Weaknesses

Lifelong learning allows you to improve and expand your skill set using various resources. Please be on the lookout for opportunities to use technology to fill the gaps and seek ongoing learning from universities with online programs. This mindset improves on problem areas hindering long-term success. You can also self-identify areas where you may need improvement. 

According to IBM, workers are 12 times more likely to leave their jobs if they cannot accomplish their goals. However, continuing to learn after securing your degree can help you overcome career setbacks. 

3. Improving Personal Job Satisfaction

Those who enjoy learning and growing can enhance personal job satisfaction by taking advantage of every opportunity. You'll gain confidence with more versatile information you can apply to any situation.

Some companies invest in their employees to build loyalty. They may cover the costs of your ongoing learning to broaden your expertise and foster your success. 

Brands such as Amazon pay for worker education in specific areas. This allows staff to explore skills they’d like to build and work up in the company. Although the program is for anyone, managers benefit most by gaining certificates and advancing accordingly. 

4. Creating a Positive Company Culture

The corporate world has drastically changed due to remote work and AI advancements. Understanding the implications of AI for companies is complex and requires extensive individual study.

For example, AI still struggles to understand the emotional elements of human thinking and respond appropriately. It also doesn’t always decipher historical data and provide diverse responses properly. 

Naturally, workers may be frightened of the rapid changes by machine learning — especially since it already caused 3,900 job losses in May 2023. The best way to avoid being a victim is to stay ahead of the technology and learn how to use it to your advantage.

5. Perfecting Leadership Style

Solid leadership and a positive work culture uplift those around you. Seeking growth opportunities hones in on these critical managerial skills and teaches you to appreciate each employee's contribution. 

Some ways to improve your management style include seeking mentorship and practicing conflict resolution. Find a CEO or business founder whose techniques you admire and ask if they’ll impart their knowledge. 

Likewise, although receiving feedback can be stressful, your employees can provide exceptional insights on areas needing improvement. Allowing them to submit their input anonymously ensures you’ll receive honest responses. Some might sting, but consider it another learning opportunity to perfect over time. 

6. Becoming More Agile

Agile leaders encourage their staff to set goals, accept change, and express their thoughts. Their teams tend to excel the most. 

When things go awry, you should encourage your team to think outside the box and pivot without fear of repercussions. People deliver their best work when they feel secure and know their ideas are valued. 

In a McKinsey Global Survey, researchers found that leaders undergoing successful agile transformations had 30% greater efficiency gains, employee engagement, and customer satisfaction. 

7. Inspiring Others

Another way you can continue learning is by improving your emotional and communication skills. Remember to lead by example. Employees are watching what you do and taking their cues from you. 

If a project fails and you scream at your team, they will likely respond similarly or disengage from their work. Conversely, if you hold a brainstorming session to find a solution, they’ll learn to work together and achieve positive results.

Why Should You Keep Learning?

Lifelong learning opportunities keep you focused on improving your processes and knowledge. The most successful businesses build their employees up, and train management into fine-tuned machines, and educational opportunities foster this growth.

Improve leadership by developing emotional intelligence, enrolling in classes, and gaining hands-on skills. The more you know, the better you'll problem-solve to get through the hard times.