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Breakfast Leadership Corporate Blog

How To Know You Are Ready To Look For A New Job

Few individuals enjoy the prospect of having to go to work on a Monday morning. However, if you've started hating work or simply feel bored out of your mind most of the time, there may be something more going on than just post-weekend blues. The truth is that when you've been doing the same job for a few years and your coworkers and daily responsibilities haven't changed, it's easy to become complacent. You may find that if you haven’t had much growth or progression in your role in a long time then maybe your company isn’t thinking about helping you progress your career so you can be more successful. In these cases, you might find yourself happier taking on a new challenge and a new job. You might want a new job in software quality assurance, or the hospitality industry or you might want to go solo and start your own business.

The working environment is toxic 

If the work environment has a negative impact on employees, you are most likely in a toxic work environment. This can happen a lot without you realising until you find yourself miserable in your job. A poisonous culture not only impedes your job advancement but may also harm your mental and physical well-being. It is something a lot of people are becoming more aware of and also not wanting to deal with. This could be one of the reasons we have seen such a rise in self-employed people and people starting their own businesses. If you work in a firm where bullying is condoned, morale is low, or your input is not respected, you should consider other possibilities.

Your work performance is deteriorating

Do you find that your enthusiasm for your job has lowered and that your job performance could be considerably improved? If you feel like you're going through the motions at work every day, it's time to talk to your employer about it and see if you can work together to find a solution. You may need to explain that you want more from your job, it could be that you want more responsibility or you want to work towards another role within the company. Give it a chance, but don't let it get worse. Set deadlines for yourself and act accordingly based on your success. You can then look for another job if you aren’t finding any help or progression over a reasonable amount of time. 

You're Always Looking Elsewhere 

Checking out different jobs online every now and then to see what's available is healthy and can be beneficial in situations such as salary discussions. However, if you find yourself reading through job boards every day or returning to the same firm pages to examine their current openings, your employment may no longer be fulfilling. You may be longing for more responsibility, better pay and benefits or just need a fresh start. If you find yourself always on the lookout for new jobs then maybe you should take the plunge and apply for some of them.

You're constantly sick

Stress and poor mental health can have a significant impact on your physical health. Stress can be really harmful to the body with actual physical symptoms like headaches, panic attacks, weight changes and more. No job is worth making yourself sick for, so if you believe your job's stress is affecting your health, it may be time to consider leaving or taking a professional break to recharge. Sometimes people stay in jobs just because it is all they have ever known and don’t like the thought of starting new, however, if you are actually having issues physically from stress and poor mental health caused by your workplace the best thing for you to do is move on and find something new. 

Workplace stress and burnout are now global issues. Research is revealing the problem's seriousness and repercussions. 81% of workers reported high workplace stress, with 42% blaming workload. 50% reported working through breaks due to workplace responsibilities. As a result, 63% of employees experience burnout, with 29% experiencing severe burnout, causing substantial physical and mental health difficulties. Stress and burnout cost U.S. firms $300 billion annually in lost productivity. High-stress workplaces have 19% lower output and 40% higher turnover. 58% of remote workers report more stress than in an office. 75% of employees said flexible work alternatives could greatly reduce stress. These data demonstrate the critical need for firms to address employee well-being and stress management.

You never get a raise

If your role has advanced significantly since you started, you've developed your talents, and you're delivering actual value to the organisation, but your compensation hasn't changed, take action. Because employers believe they have more influence, it is generally more difficult to negotiate a promotion or raise when you are already employed (compared to when you get a new one). With the cost of living and inflation also going up so much later if your work isn’t matching it with a pay rise then you are technically getting a pay decrease. If costs are going up and your salary is staying the same then your salary won’t go as far as it needs to. You won't get it if you don't ask. However, if you ask and still do not receive it, it is time to look somewhere - where you will be acknowledged.