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Breakfast Leadership Corporate Blog

How To Stir Creativity Amongst Your Employees

How To Stir Creativity Amongst Your Employees

Does your business rely on your employees being creative and innovative? Then it’s in your interest to help kickstart their artistic minds! Learn how to stir creativity amongst your employees in your workspace with these simple additions!

Art Wall

A trendy décor accent that you’ll find in many office spaces is an art wall. These walls encourage creativity amongst employees. We’re not talking about a wall that people can pin art pieces on, but an actual wall designed to be drawn and written on so the wall itself becomes art.

You can go with a chalkboard or whiteboard wall, but either way, you’re giving your employees a blank canvas to do with whatever they want. It provides the people in the office a chance to take a quick break and draw a fun doodle or write an encouraging note. Getting to see others draw and write will energize the creativity of the office.

Creative Workshop

If you want to go a step further, you can give your employees a separate creative workshop filled with art and craft materials they can use to bolster their innovation. Some offices use a repurposed shipping container as a detached workshop for the office, and there are many other ways your business can use a container to benefit your employees.

Cultivate a Garden

Seeing something beautiful grow and flourish is an excellent way to get your creative juices flowing. Consider starting a communal garden for your office that lets people take their minds off work for a few minutes and nurture something for growth.

The added green and color will make your office feel more vibrant and comfortable, making workers enjoy their time there and coming into work more.

Space Strictly for Fun

We all want to work hard, but pushing our mental capacity to the limit each day can lead to burnout. Having an extra space or room available exclusively for having some fun, playing a game, or just relaxing can do wonders for clearing your mind.

We’re not talking about a break room where people eat lunch, but a separate room that’s only for taking your mind off work for a few minutes so when employees return to duties, they feel refreshed. A ping pong table or foosball table is a trendy pick for many offices.

Now that we’ve shown you how to stir creativity amongst your employees, which strategy will you choose? A creative workshop or game room? Whichever way you decide, we’re sure you’ll see the benefits of a more creative workspace!

Breakfast Leadership