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Underutilized Advertising Platforms Marketers Should Use

Underutilized Advertising Platforms Marketers Should Use

When it comes to determining where you should advertise your company, you may just let your marketing team go with whatever is the most popular. This strategy can certainly work, standing out in an oversaturated area can also be difficult. That’s why you need to be aware of some of the most underutilized advertising platforms marketers should use. That way, you can stand out and hit a more significant portion of your target market.


Facebook is probably one of the most-utilized online platforms that companies go to for advertising purposes. However, its sister company, Instagram, is just as good—if not better—for marketing purposes, especially if you like to incorporate photos with your ads. Even though the setup process is fairly straightforward, it’s still a good idea to make sure you learn everything you can about the platform before going through with it.


If your company’s products or services are better explained with images but have a larger focus on craft and DIY, you might want to set your sights on Pinterest. Despite the fact that this platform isn’t the most popular form of social media out there, it has been around for quite a while now, and it has a very dedicated user base. As long as what you offer is in line with the goals and interests of the people on the site, you should see a good amount of success.


Compared to Google, Bing seems like the little kid who wants to be like his big brother one day. The days in which Bing beat out Google in terms of popularity are long gone, but Microsoft still makes an effort to get people to use Bing as their primary search engine. Because of that, your company has an incentive to advertise there. Not as many people will see your ads, but the pricing structures are much cheaper to compensate for that fact.


People most often use search engines to ask questions, but two of the most popular sites to show up in the search results are the forum-based platforms Reddit and Quora. Reddit is arguably the more popular option, but Quora is great if you want to advertise to other business professionals, since that demographic makes up a large portion of its user base. Regardless of which you choose, having your ad in the right place could provide just the answer the user was looking for.


Our last underutilized advertising platform marketers should use, TikTok, is undoubtedly on the rise these days, but we felt like it was still worth including on this list. Since it’s showing no signs of stopping, now is the best time to get involved with it. Options for advertising on the platform are somewhat limited, but that doesn’t make it any less of an excellent opportunity for businesses to take advantage of.