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Breakfast Leadership Corporate Blog

Why Men Should Do A Better Job Addressing Their Mental Health

Photo by Bruno Aguirre on Unsplash

Chief Burnout Officer of the Breakfast Leadership Network Michael D. Levitt feels that men's mental health should be a primary issue. Levitt says that males are frequently socialized to emphasize their occupations, financial success, and physical power over their emotional health. This cultural pressure can result in unwillingness to seek assistance for mental health concerns, which can intensify symptoms and raise the likelihood of poor consequences such as addiction and suicide. Men, according to Levitt, must appreciate the significance of caring for their mental health and recognize that it is an integral component of their total health.

Moreover, Levitt argues that mental health issues are not exclusive to any particular group and can affect people of various ages, colors, and socioeconomic backgrounds. He believes that males coping with mental health concerns should regard receiving treatment as a show of strength and self-care, as opposed to shame or weakness. Men may enhance their general quality of life, deepen their relationships with loved ones, and achieve more personal and professional success by addressing their mental health. In order to promote holistic well-being and ensure a happy and full existence, mental health should be a key focus for males, according to Levitt.

Dealing with or experiencing mental disorders can be a huge burden. Mental illness can happen to any one of us, directly disrupting one’s dreams, life goals, or plans. One of the most common mental issues is drug and alcohol addiction.

Addiction is thus an illness, not a moral failing. An addict is not worthless. Problems and mistakes occur in real life, but people can solve such problems. Even if you become part of a recovery program, you can contribute and experience many positive life changes. You can also help restore hope for others fighting their own battles with addiction and mental illness.

How important are mental health and well-being?

There are many institutions in the United States that support and motivate people in their efforts to treat mental health as part of their drug treatment. This assistance may impact others and help them heal step by step throughout their programs and achieve lasting recovery.

Other people are crucial to the success of such treatment programs. Individuals with their own firsthand experience with addiction may be particularly effective in assisting patients with their treatment. Former addicts' experiences can be a great teaching tool for others, considering that their conditions and situations may show others how they addressed addiction or other mental disorders.

Mental ailments can occur because of severe emotional burdens. The burdens may include financial difficulties, relationship problems, illnesses, unexpected events, and others issues. Imbalances in well-being and stress-related events may also contribute to mental illnesses such as addiction. Well-being is closely related to mental illnesses. Disruption in a person's well-being can lead to sudden mental disorders or disturbances.

How to avoid a mental disorder?

There are many ways to improve well-being and treat (and even prevent) mental disorders. In treatment or recovery, people can take steps to enhance their mental health. Besides therapy and/or medication, social interaction may also be an effective tool for dealing with addiction and other mental health concerns. Interaction can be in the form of a support group of a recovery organization, family interactive activities, peer encouragement, off-site guidance, and other tools that may rebuild the confidence as well as the self-esteem of individuals experiencing mental health conditions.

Social support may have a prominent role in rebuilding individuals' self-awareness, self-reliance, and self-worth. Support may come from peers who care. With such support, individuals realize that they are not experiencing such struggles alone. They also realize that they may also help others who are experiencing many of the same things. These realizations may weaken the negative thoughts created by self-pity and lack of confidence. It may give confidence to people who have struggled with abrupt changes or sudden challenges in their lives.

Professionals at recovery institutions including ibogaine centers in Mexico use a wide variety of approaches to cater to the individual needs of their clients. Activities and techniques may boost the skill and emotional strength of their clients for faster recovery that continues long after their formal treatment has ended.

Such approaches may include encouraging clients to participate in hobbies that they enjoy pursuing, especially if they can do so in the presence of friends or family members who lend support. Leisure activities that require physical activity may also deviate the focus of their brains. If their attention is diverted, they may be less likely to think about the burdens they are carrying. Instead, they focus their minds on achieving specific tasks. 

Recovery centers often promote physical activities not just to boost self-confidence but also to help people discover new skills. The activities may occur in treatment facilities or occur after people leave treatment. It may be particularly helpful if people participate with the aid of social companions, such as fellow clients, roommates, friends, siblings, or other family members.

If you’ve ever considered a career as a mental health therapist, here’s a great resource from Positive Psychology.

Participating in activities may provide various benefits that enhance mental health. Activities may

●             Offer a sense of full contentment after the successful completion of accomplishments.

●             Re-establish a sense of fun and enjoyment.

●             Enhance relationships with a social peer or a companion, which can be highly effective in creating and achieving positive mental health.

●             Boost the confidence needed to cope with stressful related events or depression.

●             Introduce skills that promote adapting and learning.

●             Help people develop other new skills.

●             Teach people how to balance work with play and help them gain the ability to enjoy both.

●             Build and strengthen good relationships.


Aside from these suggestions, there are also other ways how people may use individual approaches or peer support groups to treat problems and encourage recovery. Such procedures can be very effective if people are willing to achieve recovery and their facilities strive to provide quality treatment for mental health issues or imbalances of well-being.