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Breakfast Leadership Corporate Blog

Why Your Personal Online Brand Matters

How long have you had social media? Did it start with a Bebo account when you were 12? A Myspace page at 14 or Facebook at 17? Did you know that no matter how many years ago you started these accounts if they’re still active and on sites that still exist? The chances are that if someone gets hold of an old username of yours, they can find some of the things you posted on that site, even from years and years ago.

Remember all those times of celebrity scandal when somebody’s tweets from 12+ years ago came under media scrutiny because of their views and opinions when they were younger? It’s a bit like that.

Why Your Personal Online Brand Matters

The way you brand your business influences a lot of things. It determines the people your brand can target and those who associate with it. In addition, it also affects the morale of your employees and, in turn, their delivery. A strong business brand can withstand the tight competition in today's business world. However, brands that do not have a clear plan on what makes them different are likely to run out of business and experience eventual closure.

Building a strong personal online brand doesn't happen overnight. You have to put in work and resources to achieve what you desire. First, consider local search engine optimization services to give the business ranking you deserve.  After ranking top on SEO, you're sure that your business reaches the right group, which translates to improved sales.

Who cares about my online presence? 

Lots of people do. Especially when it comes to things like applying for jobs. Recruiters will often do a quick online search to see who has applied for their roles before calling you with an interview. They want to see the type of person you are as is often displayed on social media.

That’s not just professional social media pages like LinkedIn or like Security company Founder Robin St Martin puts on websites that connect entrepreneurs, they will also look at your social media to see what you put on there and whether some of your views are questionable at all and in line with that of the company’s. 

Another area where your social media may get scrutinized is in the world of online dating. As soon as somebody learns another person’s last name, their first instinct will be to search for them online to see what they can find out. It’s true. You may not have had your first date with someone yet, and they know all about your travels to Bali, whether you voted in the elections, and maybe even what you had for lunch last Wednesday. 

How can I protect my online identity? 

Protecting yourself from what people see about you online may just be a simple case of making things a little more private. By only sharing the most intimate details about your life with those who know and love you, you can rest assured knowing that people may not get access to this information.

However, there is still the chance that someone can take and send screenshots when you least what them to, so it may be best to go through your socials and delete anything that could be used against you when it comes to things like work and romance. 

Online Identity

Whether you’re going for a job, a date, or setting up your own business, how you portray yourself online matters. A good rule of thumb to follow is to not post anything your grandparents wouldn’t be happy to see, and you should be safe to post it for the world to see.

Make your social media pages as private as possible and only share the things you want to remember or be remembered for.

Breakfast Leadership