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Breakfast Leadership Corporate Blog

4 Ways To Feel More Alert At Work

Are you finding yourself feeling extremely tired during your working day? This is quite common, and it happens to a vast majority of working folk. It can be due to a whole number of things including underlying medical conditions. If you are constantly feeling drained then it is worth visiting your GP for a checkup. Take a look below for four ways to feel more alert during the day.

Change Your Diet

Occasionally, feeling excessively tired can be caused by your diet. If you are lacking key vitamins and nutrients then the body’s way of showing this is to make you tired. If you struggle to get nutrients into your diet then it might be worthwhile looking into taking a multivitamin to give your body what it needs. For example, if you are lacking in iron this can present itself as excessive tiredness. 

Make sure as well as your diet you are drinking enough water. The human body is made up of around 60% water so it needs to be replaced regularly throughout the day. If you don’t drink enough then you can quickly become dehydrated. Dehydration can cause you to become tired and grouchy. 

Get More Sleep

Another way to feel more alert at work is to ensure you are getting enough sleep each night. You should be aiming for at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. Not getting enough sleep can cause you to feel irritated and agitated, that is not something you want when dealing with professionals in the workplace. If you find yourself waking regularly in the night or waking up with aches and pains then the problem could be your mattress. Ideally, you should buy a new mattress every eight years. To find out which mattress is best for you, why not take The Sleep Shop Inc's mattress quiz

Improve Air Circulation 

If you can improve the air circulation in your office space and home then this will certainly keep you more alert. Poor air quality mixed with a warm environment can make you feel sleepy. Open a window or purchase an air purifier to help you feel more alert and awake. 

You will definitely notice a difference when there is fresh air circulating around you rather than stagnant or artificial air. 

Lift Your Mood

If you find yourself feeling down a lot of the time then this could mess around with how alert you are feeling at work. Unfortunately, you may be struggling with your mental health and this can make you feel like you can’t be bothered to do anything. It may end up with a lot of sick days and impact your social life as well. If you find the root cause of why you are feeling down then you can work to rectify this. It may be that you are feeling self-conscious or paranoid about the way you look, or it might be something deeper rooted

We hope you enjoyed this article and it gives you tips and tricks on how to get through the day without feeling tired.

Breakfast Leadership