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Breakfast Leadership Corporate Blog

Why Rest Is Vital For Your Success

When launching a new project, you might feel like you have so much energy you don’t know what to do with it all. You channel it into the setup, the clients, the idea - your branding. 

Burning the midnight oil, the candle and both ends, and all of the other cliches about working too hard. And for the most part, it pays off in the short term. But long-term, this is an unsustainable way to run a business. 

The rest and sleep you have are vital for making the right business decisions, delivering clean and exciting work - and functioning daily.  Sleep, like eating and drinking, is a basic need. And our basic needs have to be satisfied for us to prosper.

While there are lots of people who don’t need more than 5 hours of sleep or those that recommend several naps during the day instead of 8 hours at night - the majority of people need to sleep for an extended period. 

Lack of sleep makes us dangerous, too - we will make decisions that require a car accident lawyer, business decisions that don’t make sense, and miss paying invoices and bills that need your attention. 


Almost all work requires some level of concentration, and the way to make sure you are capable of that is to have a healthy sleeping pattern. Our productivity is impacted when we choose to get up early and work longer hours - rather than have entirely focused on shorter hours. 


It is much more challenging to solve problems when you can’t concentrate, and one of the biggest things that small business owners and freelancers do is to solace problems or create services and products to solve them. 

Slicing hours off your nightly snooze might ultimately impact your overall ability to make some intelligent connections and may lead to some missed business opportunities. 


Can’t remember when that deadline is? Missed a call because it wasn’t on your schedule? Not getting enough sleep can impact our ability to recall details. 

It can also mean we are more likely to lose our train of thought, which can be detrimental in the middle of some meaningful conversations. 


A lack of sleep can be one of the biggest issues for those who regularly seem to have a sniffle or a full-blown cold. 

The more often you aren’t feeling 100%, the more often you will need to change your schedule, which may impact clients and customers. 

It is not just immunity either; a lack of sleep can be one of the driving forces behind anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. 

Anxiety and depression can be a complex combination to tackle, and when you are the sole owner and person running your business, it can have a severe impact. 


It can be tough to socialize when we aren’t refreshed and well-rested. This can also have a hugely negative impact on our clients. Sleeplessness causes irritability and difficulty forming sentences and having conversations. 

Being tired all day can impact our decision-making, and that can cause irreparable damage to your business. For tips on always making the best decisions: Making Smart Decisions For Your Business.

Breakfast Leadership