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Breakfast Leadership Corporate Blog

Influencing Company Culture & Improving Mental Health: A Guide for Modern Leaders

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The employees' mental health and overall well-being are both significantly influenced by the culture of the firm they work for. You have the authority to shape the culture of culture in a way that encourages diversity, trust, and a sense of equilibrium. Michael D. Levitt, Founder and Chief Burnout Officer of the Breakfast Leadership Network, gives his ideas on how to impact business culture and promote mental health in the workplace.

In this article, we will discuss the most critical parts of workplace culture and how to bring about good change, emphasizing inclusion, establishing trust, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and promoting mental and emotional health for women.

The influence of workplace culture on employees' mental health.

Levitt argues, "How employees communicate with one another and approach their job are directly influenced by the workplace culture. A poor culture may increase stress, burnout, and high turnover rates, whereas a favorable culture can lead to better job satisfaction, higher productivity, and improved mental health."

Because of the potential influence it may have on employee engagement, performance, and the company's overall success, it is of the utmost importance to acknowledge the significance of establishing a workplace culture that prioritizes mental health.

How you might take on a position that contributes to the development of a healthy culture in the workplace

Because of your position as a leader, you can mold your organization's culture and establish an atmosphere where people feel supported and respected. To transform yourself into a productive member of your team, Levitt proposes you take the following actions:

Set a good example: "As a leader, the acts and demeanor you model for the rest of the company will serve as an example for others to follow. If you want to convince your team that mental health should be a priority, practice empathy, be open to feedback, and put yourself first."

Maintain honest communication: "Encourage open and honest communication among your team members, and pay attention to the problems and suggestions they offer. This helps to cultivate a sense of trust and teamwork, both of which can contribute to the development of a more positive culture in the workplace."

Give your team the freedom to: "Give your team the freedom, the resources, and the tools they need to succeed. Employees are more likely to take ownership of their work and experience a feeling of pride in their accomplishments when they are empowered and feel like they have a say in how it is done."

Strategies for fostering an inclusive environment, establishing trustworthy connections, and achieving a healthy work-life balance in the workplace

Levitt outlines several practices that may be used in the workplace to foster a culture that is more equitable and inclusive:

Encourage inclusiveness and diversity: "Be sure that your company's policies and recruiting procedures demonstrate a commitment to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. This can result in a more imaginative and adaptive workforce, as well as a culture that is more upbeat and supportive of its employees."

Encourage a feeling of inclusion by providing: "Make it possible for people to form relationships with one another and collaborate on projects, both in person and online. This can break down boundaries between team members, fostering trust and camaraderie among them."

Support a healthy balance between work and life: "Encourage workers to maintain a healthy balance between their personal and professional lives by providing flexible working alternatives, such as working from home or adjusting their hours. This may result in higher work satisfaction and lower overall stress levels."

Strategies to support and raise women's mental and emotional well-being are called for within the working environment.

Levitt places a strong emphasis on the significance of overcoming the specific obstacles that women encounter in the workplace, including the gender wage gap, unconscious prejudice, and the difficulty of juggling work and family duties. The following are some of the ways he recommends to support the mental and emotional well-being of women:

Provide people the opportunity to receive mentoring and sponsorship: "Encourage female executives with more experience to act as mentors and sponsors for female employees with less experience or who are younger. This may give vital direction and assistance, assisting women in navigating the issues that they face in the workplace and advancing their careers."

Give access to materials and instruction: "Training on issues such as unconscious prejudice, gender equality, and effective communication should be provided to assist in the development of a more welcoming and equitable culture in the workplace. Everyone in the workforce stands to profit from this, but it is of utmost significance for female employees, who may confront additional obstacles and challenges throughout their careers."

Create family-friendly policies: "Develop policies that assist working parents, such as paid parental leave, flexible work hours, and access to resources for child care. These regulations can assist women in striking a balance between their professional and familial duties, lowering stress levels and improving mental health."

Establish safe environments for open dialogue: "Initiate open dialogues about topics such as mental health, gender concerns, and workplace difficulties. Create an atmosphere where women don't worry about being judged or punished for opening up about their struggles and reaching out for help."


Leaders can cultivate an atmosphere that is constructive, welcoming, and encouraging for all employees if they take an active role in shaping the organization's culture and place a high priority on employees' mental health. Drawing on the research of Michael D. Levitt, leaders should set an example for their teams by communicating openly, empowering their employees, fostering a sense of belonging, promoting diversity and inclusion, promoting work-life balance, and implementing strategies to support and elevate women's mental and emotional well-being. If businesses take these steps, they will be able to enjoy the benefits of a more engaged, productive, and healthier staff, which will eventually lead to better success over the long run.