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Things Around the Office You Didn’t Know You Could Recycle

Things Around the Office You Didn’t Know You Could Recycle

These days, business improvement is all about finding ways to operate sustainably. Eco-friendliness is at the top of everyone’s mind; successful companies know this and are using it to their advantage. The easiest way to start going green is by recycling.

Everyone knows you can recycle paper and plastics, but there are many things around the office you didn’t know you could recycle. Consider repurposing these items before tossing them in the dumpster.


Technology sees updates every day, which quickly makes your company’s computers and laptops obsolete. Outdated devices reduce productivity and are expensive to repair. However, e-waste is becoming a global problem, and throwing your technology away causes more harm than good.

Instead, properly recycling electronic waste reduces your business’s carbon footprint—just make sure you wipe your devices of all sensitive information before handing them over to your recycling service.

Cell Phones

It’s nearly impossible to function in today’s world without a smartphone. Your employees likely have some kind of cellular device in their pockets at all times. When it’s time to upgrade, encourage your staff to recycle old devices instead of ditching them in the garbage.

Consider donating old cell phones to help people in need. You could also drop yours off at an e-waste kiosk and earn some cash.

Old Carpet

Office remodels generate a lot of waste. Installing fresh flooring is great for upgrading your building, but it’s terrible for the environment. One thing around your office you probably didn’t know you could recycle is the old carpets.

Carpet reclamation companies will take stained and damaged materials to give them new life. Since health concerns disqualify carpets from donation, recycling is the best way to keep this material out of landfills.


If your business ships or receives large amounts of inventory, you probably have several pallets taking up space. Pallets are versatile tools you can use for many projects; for example, they work well as make-shift stairs during an office remodel.

You can also recycle old pallets by selling them to refurbishment companies. From there, professionals with refresh them for further use or dismantle them for scrap materials. Lumber and plastic take a long time to break down in landfills, making recycling a more eco-friendly disposal option.

Once you master recycling, you can move on to more advanced sustainability efforts. Over time, your company will be a pioneer in eco-friendly business practices.