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Breakfast Leadership Corporate Blog

Tricks for Increasing Workshop Production Efficiency

Tricks for Increasing Workshop Production Efficiency

As anyone who works in manufacturing will know, being successful isn’t just about production quantity. Many other factors determine whether a business will be successful, making efficiency a better metric for gauging success. Follow these tricks for increasing workshop production efficiency.

Keep Your Equipment Up to Date

Investing in new equipment is always a bit of a gamble. There’s usually a considerable up-front cost, followed by a period of integrating the new tool into your workshop’s current process. If the equipment doesn’t turn out as you hoped, then you’ve lost quite a bit of cash.

That said, the cost of not updating your equipment will often overshadow the price you pay for new machines and tools. Innovation leads to equipment that works harder for less energy and wastes less time. An advantage of belt grinders is their ability to eliminate time wasted by switching tools, which is more valuable than the equipment’s cost.

Hire Experienced Workers

While you may pay more to hire an employee with many years of experience, you’ll appreciate their abilities in the long term. Experience often means an employee has special skills relevant to your business and general workplace skills that are useful at any job. Good time management, attention to detail, and clear communication are skills people learn from years of hard work, and you’ll notice when a new hire lacks them.

Review Your SOPs

Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are a company’s guidelines to make sure employees complete internal operations using the same methods. SOPs make it more likely that the company’s products and services will be the same, and that they’ll meet quality standards.

However, using the same method for years and years is similar to neglecting updates for old machinery. Always look out for resource waste in your workshop so you can update your practices.

We hope these tricks for increasing workshop production efficiency have been helpful. While it’s easy to keep using the same techniques, changing things often results in higher efficiency.